Nurul Idah – Types of Water

ثم المياه على خمسة أقسام

Then water is divided into five types

طاهر مطهر غير مكروه وهوالماء المطلق

That water which is pure in itself and purifying for other things and it is not disliked. And it is Mutlaq -Pure water

 و طاهر مطهر مكروه وهو ما شربت منه الهرة ونحوها وكان قليلا

That water which is pure and purifying for other things but is disliked. And it is a small quantity of water which has been drunk from by a cat or similar animal.

و طاهر غير مطهر وهو ما استعمل لرفع حدث أو لقربه كالوضوء على الوضوء بنيته

Water which is pure but is not purifying, and it is that water which has been used to remove a minor impurity or it is that water which has been used in ablution with the intention of seeking Allah’s pleasure. 

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